We do everything possible to provide the best service possible, however if you are un-happy with our service and do have a complaint, please follow the process below.
1. Make a complaint directly to us
Make your complaint to us in writing, along with any supporting correspondence.
Tell the us why you are unhappy, explaining exactly what has occurred.
Ask us for a copy of our complaints procedure.
Keep a note of dates and times, and the name of the person dealing with the complaint.
You will receive a response from us within 15 days of making your written complaint.
2. Send your complaint to The Property Ombudsman Scheme
We adhere to The Property Ombudsman Scheme.
If you are still unhappy once you have received our final view point letter or if weeks have passed since you first made your complaint and the issue remains unresolved, you can contact The Property Ombudsman (TPO).
Complete and sign a TPO complaint form. https://www.tpos.co.uk/consumers/completing-the-complaints-form
Along with any supporting documentation, including copies of your complaints letter and the agent’s final viewpoint letter.
3. Send your complaint to Propertymark
We are members of Propertymark NAEA. If step one and two have not been dealt with to your satisfaction, then Propertymark NAEA will investigate. https://www.propertymark.co.uk/complaints/
Propertymark NAEA will investigate complaints against members where there is evidence the agent has breached their Conduct and Membership Rules. Examples of this are:
Failure to use an internal complaints procedure.
Misuse of client money.
Failure to uphold high standards of ethical and professional practice.
Failure to protect and promote clients’ interests.
Conflicts of interest.
Failure to answer correspondence.
Any act of dishonesty or conviction of a criminal offence.